Thursday, February 11, 2010

Edited Email and Netiquette




Subject: Funds for training trip

Hey Sarah,

There is a training trip coming up that I would liek to attend. Could you tell me who I could ask for money to go on this trip?

Thank you,



Subject lines are important for helping people decide which emails are important and which ones are trash. Making the right subject line can trick someone into reading your email, even if it isn't important. In a subject line you should write the bottom line of the message rather than saying something like "hi". You should also make your subject so that the reader will immediately know what you are talking about.

Formatting done incorrectly, especially when including the orginal text from an email you are replying to. First, you should make sure your signature is above the original text. You can cut down the message length but do not change what the message says. You should repeat the questions you are responding to. Lastly, do not indent the the original text.

Punctuation is important because it can change the meaning of a sentence. You should always follow the normal rules of puncutation in an email. Do not repeat punctuation marks, even to show excitement. A good rule of thumb is to use as few exclamation marks as possible. Also, you should avoid using slang.

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